What to Share on a Blog


Turn up the volume


Last year one of my goals was to do more video, it took a while and some training to get up to speed but once I was off and running it really paid off. I was able to complete some good videos and to post them in several different places on the internet.

I wish that I could say that everything went perfect but the last four videos that I produced had audio problems, for some reason the sound was very low. I eventually posted them anyway (this is the last of the four and I apologize but you’ll need to increase the volume to hear what I’m saying). The reason that I posted them in spite of the issue with the sound is because they captured perfectly the message I was trying to convey at the time and I didn’t think it would be possible to get it exactly the same again!

I’ve seen videos with horrible lighting, background noises, shadow and content problems and compared to them these videos weren’t that bad! By turning up the volume and listening intently, you’ll be able to hear it.

So what’s the video about? The video is about my growing experience as a blogger. My interest in blogging began some time ago but I’ve had a challenge blogging consistently. One of my goals in 2012 was to step up my game and to post in the blogs more consistently. While I did post more in 2012, I could have done better. This video explains my and other new blogger’s dilemma “what should I blog about?”

I’m past the question “should I blog?” the answer is yes. In today’s world where we are all connected through social media sometimes people want to connect on a deeper level, blogging makes that possible. Blogging makes it possible for you to reach people who have the same interest as you and with people who just happen to stumble upon one of your post. Unlike a newsletter (although a newsletter is also important), a blog allows people to go to it rather than it coming to their email (unless they subscribe to its RSS feed or email subscription; in which case they are notified when there is a new post).

So, while at the time of filming this video I may not have had the rhythm down yet (a schedule to help me with my blog post consistency), I had figured out the “why to” and the “how to” of blogging.