Triumphant in Life, Victorious in Death and Powerful in Resurrection


Teresita Glasgow at the empty tomb in Israel

Teresita Glasgow at the empty tomb in Israel

This Sunday Christians around the world will celebrate a Risen Lord. Throughout the centuries many have asked the question “what happened that day?” How is it that for more than two thousand years people have worshiped, prayed and believed That Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I like this holiday because it is a Holy-day! I love being a Christian but sometimes it’s hard especially when I see people who say they are Christians but don’t seem to be representing the Christ I know. At those times what helps me is to realize and to remember that each of us has our own journey in life. I remember that Christ allows me to be me, while also allowing my brothers and sisters (who may think differently than I) to be themselves. The incredible freedom in our faith allows us to agree about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, while disagreeing about methods of baptizing, diet, Sabbath days, speaking in tongues and other areas which neither make or break our bond.


IsraelNothing overshadows the power of the resurrection!! The evidence is clear, whenever there is a national tragedy or someone is sick or missing, the churches fill with people and the request is made “please pray for me, for us, for our nation, for our family.” I’m thankful today that my image of Jesus is not of Him on the cross but of Him seated at the right Hand of God with all power. The significance of what Jesus went through has eternal implications. It impacts the entire human race for eternity and with out Him, we are hopeless. Happy Resurrection Day!

Check out my latest radio broadcast: Why Christ Died For You