I’m in countdown mode to 2016! There are 91 days left in this year, are you ready to finish strong? So many opportunities have come my way this year and I am grateful to God! The newsletter and the radio show had to take a back seat as I concentrated on the other assignments that God had so graciously entrusted to me. Through the grace of God, I have been able to accomplish the added assignments and, I want to finish 2015 strong!
I have shifted from being an employed entrepreneur to a 100% entrepreneur. This is my first time going full time! Most of you entrepreneurs reading this know that the transition usually goes like this:
• Employee
• Employee with a hobby
• Employee with a side business
• Employee with a dream job/part time entrepreneur
• Full time entrepreneur
The steps are usually thought out and well planned but there are times when circumstance dictate otherwise. In my case, God allowed a one month contract in 2004 to result in multiple contracts with the same agency for the last eleven years. During that time He allowed me to also work on the dream that He placed in my heart. But because of my working, the time needed to fully “stand up” the business has not been there. Now I have the time!
I’m in a different phase of God’s plan and it is exciting and new! While we now have the needed time, other resources are limited. I am convinced that I am in the perfect will of God and in tune with His plan. Pray for me, I am out of the boat!
Let’s Catch Up!
So, just to catch up on what I’ve been doing…, I had the honor to be a speaker for The Biggest Comeback of Your Life in Washington, DC sharing the virtual stage with people like, Kim Coles from Living Single, Delatorro McNeal, Dr. Willie Jolley, Lucinda Cross, and others. Wow, what an experience!!!
I was already on a writing project with twelve remarkable women and Dr. Deana Murphy, who was the visionary for the project which pulled together twelve female leaders to write on the topic of resilience. After many months and many uphill battles to complete the project, the book was launched on September 14th the book title is Resilience Living Life By Design, By Dr. Deana Murphy with experiences of 12 Remarkable Women.
Endorsed by:
• Barbara Corcoran, from the Shark Tank
• Marshawn Evans Daniels, from The Apprentice and Miss America Finalist
• Blondell Reynolds Brown, Philadelphia City Council Woman At-Large
• And others.
If you are a female leader, you need a copy of this book, if you are a woman of faith; you need a copy of this book! Not just because I’m in it, but because it’s that powerful.
I also had the privilege to attend Pastor Belinda Thomas’s meeting The Exchange, for pastors, ministers, and marketplace leaders at the Riverside EpiCenter. The meeting was exceptional!

I met Lucinda Cross (if you don’t know who she is google her, she has been featured in Essence Magazine, on the Today Show, she has given a TED Talk, her Brand is recognizable and she is undeniably a woman of faith) while at the Biggest Comeback Ever and I was given a complementary VIP ticket to attend her annual conference, “Activate”, which this year was held in Atlanta, Georgia, on September 18th to the 20th. OMG! I am still debriefing from all of the information, revelation. impartation and new relationships coming out of the conference! I’m still trying to classify this conference but I’m not sure it can be classified (that would make it unique)!
What else!
I have been spending a lot of time on Periscope! Periscope is one of the newest live streaming apps and it is a game changer in social media especially for business and ministry!!! If you haven’t tried it yet what are you waiting for! Right now the Periscope Summit is taking place in New York and I’m watching “Live” because some of my friends are there and they are Scoping!!! Yay!!!
Anything else?
I’ve got loads of photos and videos to share with you, maybe next time I’ll share some, but this time I need your help. Here’s what I need you to do:
Let me know what you’d like to see more/less of in this blog.
You can comment on this post with your suggestions, thanks, I appreciate it!
To add more value to you, your business or ministry and to help you do more, grow more and produce more.
Follow me on social media (I do a lot on social media!)
There are two offers that have not expired: The Biggest Comeback offer and the Resilience Living Life By Design Offer. You can still get them while they last!
Click on the links below for the offers:
The Biggest Comeback Ever
Resilience Living Life By Design
Until next time, let’s finish 2015 strong, we still have 91 days.