
23 posts

The Crucifixion of Jesus

  No events in the history of mankind have been as significant as the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ because of these events there is hope for mankind.

Triumphant in Life, Victorious in Death and Powerful in Resurrection

  This Sunday Christians around the world will celebrate a Risen Lord. Throughout the centuries many have asked the question “what happened that day?” How is it that for more than two thousand years people have worshiped, prayed and believed That Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I like […]

We Need Prayer! #Shutdown

The only thing that will stop this government #shutdown is prayer! Today and every day until the #shutdown ends from 12 noon until 1 PM, pray for our country’s leadership and for this #shutdown to end. Regardless how you feel about, The affordable Care Act (aka Obama Care) a government […]

Favorite Quotes

  “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.’ We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to […]

“In the World but Not of the World”

I wrote a post a few weeks ago about Christians in reality TV, The Sisterhood Reality or Ministry and there was a comment on the bible, business & coffee with Teresita Glasgow blog. When I replied my reply was longer than my original post! It was just so hard for […]

The Sisterhood~Reality or Ministry

I’ve been intrigued lately by this new phenomena “Christians portraying Christians on reality TV shows.” One show, The Sisterhood features First Ladies; Christina Murray, DeLana Rutherford, Tara Lewis, Ivy Couch and Domonique Scott while another show, Big Rich Atlanta, features a Pastor, Sabrina McKenzie, known as the “Dancing Preacher.”